8x8x8 magic cube




[Composite 1] With a Franklin panmagic 8x8 square you can construct a diagonal 8x8x8 magic cube which is also panmagic in the levels.




[Medjig method] I used the Medjig method three dimensional (3D) to construct a 8x8x8 pantriagonal magic cube.




Three magic squares and (hyper)cubes whizz kids produced a Nasik 8x8x8 magic cube.


Barnard constructed in 1888 an 8x8x8 magic cube and you can find sequential numbers in the magic cube by using a chess knight jump.


John Hendricks constructed an 8x8x8 magic cube, which is not only Nasik, but also each 1/2 row/column gives 1/2 of the magic sum.


Dwane Campbell constructed an 8x8x8 magic cube, which is not only Nasik, but also each 1/2 row/column/diagonal (in the levels) and each 1/2 pillar gives 1/2 of the magic sum.