See below the most perfect magic cube (with the maximum possible magic features) per order.
[3x3x3] The most magic 3x3x3 cube is a simple magic cube. In each level give the rows and columns (and in the middle level give the diagonals) the magic sum. Through the levels give the pillars and the space diagonals the magic sum.
[4x4x4] The most magic 4x4x4 cube is diagonal magic with exception of the space diagonals, which give not the magic sum.
[5x5x5] The most magic 5x5x5 cube is pantriagonal magic and symmetric or half pandiagonal or diagonal magic.
[6x6x6] The most magic 6x6x6 cube
is pantriagonal magic or diagonal magic.
[7x7x7] The most magic 7x7x7 cube is panmagic and symmetric.
[8x8x8] The most magic 8x8x8 cube is perfect (Nasik), (partly 2x2 and fully
2x2x2) compact, and 1/2 rows/columns/diagonals in each level and 1/2 pillars give 1/2 of the magic sum.
[9x9x9] The most magic 9x9x9 cube is almost perfect (Nasik) magic (N.B.: only 2/4 of the pantriagonals give the magic sum), 3x3 compact and symmetric ór fully perfect (Nasik) magic, symmetric and not
compact (= 'Frost magic').
[10x10x10] The most magic 10x10x10 cube is pantriagonal magic or diagonal magic.
[11x11x11] The most magic 11x11x11 cube is
perfect (Nasik) and symmetric.
[12x12x12] The most magic 12x12x12 cube is pantriagonal magic & symmetric or is it a diagonal magic cube and 1/2
diagonals in each levels and 1/2 diagonals and 1/2 (main) triagonals through the levels give 1/2 of the magic sum.
[13x13x13] The most magic 13x13x13 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric.
[14x14x14] The most magic 14x14x14 cube is pantriagonal magic.
[15x15x15] The most magic 15x15x15 cube is almost perfect (Nasik) magic (N.B.: only 2/4 of the pantriagonals give the magic sum), 3x3 compact and symmetric ór fully perfect (Nasik) magic, symmetric and not
compact (= 'Frost magic').
[16x16x16] The most magic 16x16x16 cube consists of 8x proportional 8x8x8 Dwane Campbell's magic cube. So 1/4 rows/columns/diagonals in each level and 1/4 pillars
give 1/4 of the magic sum and 1/2 space diagonals give 1/2 of the magic sum.
[17x17x17] The most magic 17x17x17 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric.
[18x18x18] The most magic 18x18x18 cube is pantriagonal magic or diagonal magic.
[19x19x19] The most magic 19x19x19 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric.
[20x20x20] The most magic 20x20x20 cube is pantriagonal magic and consists of 125x proportional pantriagonal 4x4x4 magic cube or is it a diagonal magic cube and consist of 8x proportional diagonal 10x10x10 magic cube.
[21x21x21] The most magic 21x21x21 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric (= 'Frost magic').
[22x22x22] The most magic 22x22x22 cube is pantriagonal magic.
[23x23x23] The most magic 23x23x23 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric.
[24x24x24] The most magic 24x24x24 cube is Nasik.
[25x25x25] The most perfect 25x25x25 cube is perfect (Nasik), symmetric and (fully) 5x5(x5) compact.
[26x26x26] The most magic 26x26x26 cube is pantriagonal magic.
[27x27x27] The most magic 27x27x27 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric (= 'Frost magic').
[28x28x28] The most magic 28x28x28 cube is pantriagonal magic and consists of 343x proportional pantriagonal 4x4x4 magic cube or is diagonal magic.
[29x29x29] The most magic 29x29x29 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric.
[30x30x30] The most magic 30x30x30 cube is pantriagonal magic and consists of 125 proportional pantriagonal 6x6x6 magic cubes or is it a diagonal magic cube consisting of 27x proportional diagonal 10x10x10 magic cube.
[31x31x31] The most magic 31x31x31 cube is perfect (Nasik) and symmetric.
[32x32x32] The Nasik perfect magic 32x32x32 cube consists of 64x proportional Nasik perfect magic cube. In each level 1/8 row/column/diagonal gives 1/8 of the magic sum. Through the levels each 1/4 pillar/diagonal/triagonal gives 1/4 of the magic sum.
N.B.: If a Nasik Perfect (= pandiagonal & pantriagonal) result for an order is possible, I have found the right grids to get it. For order 3 neither a Nasik nor a pantriagonal result is possible. For the remaining orders I have found the right grids to get a pantriagonal result. For these orders you can get a pantriagonal ór (theoretically) a diagonal result. For order 12, 18, 20, 28 and 30 I have also found the right grids to get a diagonal result. For order 5 and double odd it is difficult to get a diagonal result. For order 5, 6 and 10 diagonal magic cubes exist (I have put the downloads on this website). For order 14, 22 and 26 no diagonal magic cubes have been constructed (yet) for so far I know (if you have such a magic cube, please send me an email message).