3x3 magic square


The legend of the Lo Shu (= story of turtle Lo Wi)

Read about the famous and oldest known magic square. Read the story of turtle Lo Wi and learn the secrets about the 3x3 magic square.


Explanation of the magic 3x3 square

Explanation is given to put the number 5 always in the middle of the magic square and to put even numbers always in the corners of the magic square.


Construction methods

The construction methods of the 3x3 magic square are:


You can use the first 5 methods to construct odd symmetric (not pan)magic squares.


You can split up any magic square (3x3, 4x4, 5x5, ...) in two Sudoku's: a grid with row coordinates and a grid with column coordinates. On this website you find for each size (order) one (or more) method(s) to construct a magic square with a row grid and a column grid.


The 3x3 magic square is the inlay of a 3x3 in 5x5 in 7x7 in ... concentric magic square.